110 years ago, the drink Ovomaltine was developed as a fortifying, restorative product and is now as much a part of breakfast as bread and coffee in over 100 countries.
The magic formula of chemist Dr. Albert Wander has long since become a broad range of high quality products. What remains is the love of Ovo which is passed on from generation to generation.
Today, the cult brand is one of the best known and most popular Swiss brands. Ovomaltine is fine energy with the incomparable taste of malt and cocoa and it helps you to keep going: not better but longer – that’s how the slogan runs.
Original, slightly self-deprecating advertising is part of Ovo’s unmistakable communication. The DS8 in the corporate colour of orange with the Ovo logo on the clip and the hashtag Ovopower on the shaft is instantly recognisable as the brand ambassador. Clip and push button transparent, casing in soft touch. Naturally with a long-lasting, low-pollutant refill.